
Skin Care with Results and Well Being....

love what I do. My passion for taking care of Skin is strong, but my passion for taking care of PEOPLE is stronger. True, most people have facials and skin care treatments for cosmetic reasons - They may want to "brighten up" for a special event, or try to turn back the clock on their aging skin. They may of spent their younger years basking in the sun, and now their skin is paying for it.

I love that I can address my clients concerns with their skin, and give them visible, measurable results. With that said, I also strive in giving more than just healthy skin. My approach in the work that I do, is for it to have a Therapeutic Effect. I can achieve this by using a combination of the highest quality products that contain botanical ingredients, using manual lymphatic drainage, and by preforming massage.

These are stressful times, and when I have the honor of having someone invest their time and money with me, I first and foremost will address their concerns with their skin, but I also want to provide them with the feeling of well being. I love that when the treatment is over, my clients can look in the mirror and say "Wow, I didn't expect my skin to look this good...and I didn't expect to feel this good!"

To Schedule your Complimentary Consultation with Jenny Hoye, Please Call 429-9400.

Click here to see the menu of facials

Jenny Hoye
Simply Skin Esthetics
500 Soquel Drive, Ste. B
Santa Cruz, California 95062

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